Conflicting data

The table below shows, for 28 February 2020, the diagnosed cases (C), deaths (D), and recoveries (R) from 25 parts of China. Data from John Hopkins University.

The usual caveats apply. 

The last three columns are a function of the primary data. Existing cases (E) is C-(D+R), i.e. diagnosed cases less resolved cases. D/(D+R) is one method for estimating the case fatality ratio. E/C is the unresolved cases divided by diagnosed cases. This ratio will fall to zero over time given that all cases will resolve into recoveries or deaths. The table is sorted by this number.

As is evident, the fatality ratio varies wildly, from Jiangxi, where 790 out of 935 cases have already been resolved, with only one death, to Hubei where little more than half the 65,914 cases have been resolved, with a 9.22% apparent fatality ratio.

Time series analysis (not shown here) suggests that unresolved cases (E) tend to resolve into recovery rather than death, hence there is a moderately strong correlation (0.6) between E and apparent fatality.

There is no explanation yet of why cases should have taken so long to resolve in Hubei, which the media call the epicentre of the outbreak. Note also, as before, that the cases in Hubei are a tiny fraction of its population.

In other news, manufacturing activity in China in February plunged faster than during the 2008 financial crisis.

Place Date C D R E D/(D+R) E/C
Qinghai 28-Feb-20 18 0 18 0 0.00% 0%
Gansu 28-Feb-20 91 2 82 7 2.38% 8%
Yunnan 28-Feb-20 174 2 156 16 1.27% 9%
Henan 28-Feb-20 1,272 20 1,112 140 1.77% 11%
Hebei 28-Feb-20 318 6 277 35 2.12% 11%
Jiangxi 28-Feb-20 935 1 790 144 0.13% 15%
Shanghai 28-Feb-20 337 3 279 55 1.06% 16%
Anhui 28-Feb-20 990 6 821 163 0.73% 16%
Hunan 28-Feb-20 1,017 4 830 183 0.48% 18%
Shanxi 28-Feb-20 133 0 109 24 0.00% 18%
Shaanxi 28-Feb-20 245 1 199 45 0.50% 18%
Jiangsu 28-Feb-20 631 0 515 116 0.00% 18%
Zhejiang 28-Feb-20 1,205 1 975 229 0.10% 19%
Fujian 28-Feb-20 296 1 235 60 0.42% 20%
Jilin 28-Feb-20 93 1 73 19 1.35% 20%
Guizhou 28-Feb-20 146 2 112 32 1.75% 22%
Liaoning 28-Feb-20 121 1 93 27 1.06% 22%
Tianjin 28-Feb-20 136 3 102 31 2.86% 23%
Xinjiang 28-Feb-20 76 3 52 21 5.45% 28%
Chongqing 28-Feb-20 576 6 402 168 1.47% 29%
Beijing 28-Feb-20 410 7 257 146 2.65% 36%
Sichuan 28-Feb-20 538 3 338 197 0.88% 37%
Shandong 28-Feb-20 756 6 405 345 1.46% 46%
Hubei 28-Feb-20 65,914 2,682 26,403 36,829 9.22% 56%