Wirecard illiquidity

Wirecard ticks all the Eumaeus boxes for things that went wrong for entirely predictable reasons. More on that later.

Meanwhile, the chart above shows the yield of the bond that Wirecard issued last September. Notice how it explodes a bit at the end. The Sam Woods theory is that such explosions are the effect of illiquidity.

Note the smaller blip upwards in the middle of October 2019 which happened to coincide with the FT’s revelation of internal documents from Wirecard pointing to “a concerted effort to fraudulently inflate sales and profits”.

Why would such a revelation affect the liquidity of the bond? And why would the later revelation this month that nearly €2bn had gone missing affect the liquidity so much that the bond is now only worth 20c?

Still, if Sam is right it looks a great buy. Repays in 2024 with a 99.5% probability of full repayment. Any offers?