Illiquidity and arbitrage

The main argument for the illiquidity premium is that it cannot be arbitraged out, as I discussed here.

So let’s set up a company where we borrow long dated liabilities at risk free, and invest the proceeds in long-dated illiquid assets. Persuade shareholders/PRA etc that there is an illiquidity premium because ‘it can’t be arbitraged out’.

Create a pile of equity by discounting liabilities at risk free + premium, pay yourself a lot of dividends or sell the company, and retire to the beach.

Congratulations! You have just arbitraged out the illiquidity premium!

Actuarial boot camp

Guy Thomas has just posted a reply to our post about the forward paradox on Monday

All I can say is that there needs to be some sort of re-education camp for actuaries where they are forced to listen to the Wii Shop Channel music on endless loop until they admit the error of their ways.

Words fail.

The forward paradox

Jeffery and Smith (Equity Release Mortgages: Irish & UK Experience, p.30) discuss the apparent paradox that when we use a ‘real world’ model to project a forward price, then calculate the expected value of put and call options at different strikes, the internal rate of return of those options is considerably different from that obtained using the Black formula. See their table which I have copied below. Put options even have negative discount rates.

Taking the case of the put options, how can we rationalise these negative discount rates? Why would an investor even consider an asset that is expected to lose money, let alone one as risky as a put option which has a chance of expiring worthless, losing everything?

They continue.

The answer is that few rational investors hold a portfolio 100% in a put option. Rather, a put option is a form of insurance held in connection with other assets. An investor in shares can, sometimes with a modest outlay, acquire a put option that substantially mitigates losses in a market crash. The willingness to accept a negative expected return on the put option reflects the reduction of risk to the portfolio as a whole. This is the same reason that buyers of household or motor insurance would not expect (or hope) to make a profit on that insurance.

Are they right? Does the ‘willingness to accept a negative expected return’ really reflect the need to reduce the risk?

Continue reading “The forward paradox”

From the postbag – the illiquidity premium

Two items today. A friend of Eumaeus from Ireland writes to say they are disappointed that we did not cover the Jeffery and Smith paper (Equity Release Mortgages: Irish & UK Experience) as extensively as we might have done. Another friend wrote to express a puzzle about the Matching Adjustment principle.  The principle suggests that we can construct a synthetic non-sovereign bond rate that is risk free, but which has a higher return than a (risk free) gilt, which we can use to discount the future liability. But if the gilt and the synthetic bond are certain to pay the same amount at maturity, how can their returns differ?

Continue reading “From the postbag – the illiquidity premium”

LSE details

Update. Our seminar “NNEG and ERM Valuation: A Restatement of the Case for Market Consistency”, will take place from 17:00 to 18.30, Monday 10 June 2019, in the Lecture Theatre of CCLS Queen Mary University of London (67-69 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3JB).

Charles Goodhart will be chairing.

External visitors can report to the reception.

Sorry for the slight change of time.


LSE redux

Following our presentation (‘Is Equity Release a Second Equitable Life?’)  at the London School of Economics on Monday 1 October 2018, Kevin and I will be presenting further work on the topic of equity release at the LSE on Monday June 10 2019, 17:30-19:00.

We will be focusing on our work since October, and on external developments. Subjects will include: calibration of key variables, particularly deferment rate and volatility; market consistency; regulation.

Precise venue tbc – we will publish details when available on the website.

Dean ‘n’ Kevin