Never thought Eumaeus would say that, but if the data is right (sourced from John Hopkins) then the chart above shows how, for three Chinese provinces (Guangdong, Henan, Hunan) the rise in new cases has been almost completely stopped.
Bruce Aylward (Assistant Director-General of the World Health Organization, and the leader of the WHO team that visited Wuhan in China) explains here how they did it.
His main target, and the message bears repeating endlessly, is the fallacy that only an authoritarian regime can accomplish what was done in China.
We know it’s a bad dangerous disease. How do we bring the mortality down? You concentrate your resources, you shorten the time frame to make sure you can identify very quickly, you look at the high risk ones and get them into the specialised centres in case they crash, these are the things that we should focus on.
[EDIT] For balance, here is Gordon Change explaining how China has “bought the WHO”, and questioning the statistics (see chart above) apparently showing that infections are “on the downslope”. “Whenever you have statistics supporting a leader’s policies, you’ve got to be very concerned”.
As we have reiterated, the conclusion depends on the accuracy of the data, and accuracy of data is hard to determine when all we have is the data. As Wittgenstein said, you can’t check what is said in the newspaper by buying a second copy.