Well we said we would be back. Here is the newly released PRA Policy Statement 19/19, and there is some really weird stuff in there. We start with section A, ‘Reviewing and updating the minimum deferment rate,’ and in particular the part which starts at paragraph 2.6, ‘The PRA considers that the approach of linking changes in the minimum deferment rate to changes in real interest rates is economically sound and appropriate for the intended purpose of a diagnostic test.’
They write:
The PRA considered net rental yields in paragraph 2.59 of PS31/18 and agrees that net rental yields could be a reasonable starting point for determining deferment rates over short terms, as they are a measure of the income foregone by an ERM investor as compared to a direct owner of a property. However, a net rental yield is a short-term measure of deferment.
Which is very strange indeed.