Just makes no sense

There was an RMS announcement yesterday for the sale of a portfolio of equity release mortgages from Just Group to Rothesay Life. The sale was hinted at in the Interim results released last week.

The announcement is confused partly because the sale is the first of two tranches, with the numbers referring sometimes to the total amount, sometimes to the amount in the first tranche. As far as I can make sense of it, the total imputed value of the loans being transferred is £475m, and the total amount paid by Rothesay is £334m (see also their announcement here), resulting in a theoretical loss of £141m for both tranches. Just Group say that the loss will be only £125m, but they also refer to ‘IFRS value’ as being different from the imputed value.

The stated reason for the loss is “the insurance liabilities impact due to the lower investment yield on the replacement bonds” which does make a kind of sense.

Welcome back to the weird world of Matching Adjustment accounting.